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  • Writer's pictureKennedy DeRaedt

Cool Opportunities You Only Get Abroad

Updated: Mar 19, 2018

This week was my second full week of class, and it was filled with so many super awesome experiences...

Finding a cool lookout point during a break in classes.

After sitting in a classroom for two hours, it is nice to get some fresh air and explore the town you are studying in. Since Urbino is pretty small, we always look for new places we haven't been, or go just outside town and see what surprised are in store for us.

Your professor offering to cook your class a dinner

This week, our professor started to invite three of us at a time to his apartment and he cooked us dinner. When Krishaun, Gillian and I went, he started us with goat, cow and ricotta cheese. Then, he cooked us a parmesan and sheep cheese pasta -- topped with truffles! (fancy right?) We also had salad with amazing Italian balsamic. To finish the night, we had biscotti which we dipped in dessert wine.

The best part of the night was being able to have great conversations with our professor. He had so many cool stories from traveling to Ukraine and Poland, and also great advice on our many questions regarding internships and life after college.

Having class where the Renaissance took place

Touring the Ducale Palace, while learning about art history, and looking at the original art work was pretty amazing.

This week our art history professor took us to a palace in Urbino, and we got to see the old stables and the rooms that the Duke and Duchess of Urbino lived in.

Seeing a symphony in a theater built in the 1800s

After getting a group dinner with our professor, he took us to see a symphony. All the musicians were from the Marche region. The first piece featured an accordion player and the second piece was composed by Beethoven.

Taking a Friday trip to the coast

By bus, we live about an hour bus ride from the coastal town of Pesaro. Krishaun, Katlyn and I went to check out the beach. As you can see, it is extremely beautiful. I have never seen wet sand reflect the clouds. There were different colored cabanas that lined the sand, where we took our new profile pictures.

Going to a famous photographer's exhibition with your photography professor

On Saturday, Rachel, Katlyn and I decided to postpone our St. Pats celebration a bit and went with our professor to see a Henri Cartier- Bresson exhibit in Ancona. We got a chance to see amazing photos. We all had lunch together and then our professor took us to see a winery nearby.

Celebrating with new friends

One of the best things about studying abroad is making new friends and super fun memories with them. It was St. Patrick's Day this weekend, so we went to a new bar and hit up our regular bar as well. At the end of the night, we got some fries and headed home. Exploring the world with new people is not easy to forget.

This week was great and I love it here so much! I am jetting off to Paris next weekend and with a late night flight my next blog will be on Monday or Tuesday!


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