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  • Writer's pictureKennedy DeRaedt

The Beautiful Tuscan Region

Updated: Feb 26, 2018

This past weekend (Feb 15 - Feb 21) our class took a trip to Florence and Siena. In these cities we started our art history and literature classes. Both cities were very beautiful. In Florence I saw new things everyday even if I was on the same street. I definitely need to go back because I am sure I missed something. Siena was smaller and had less tourists, which was nice.

First was Florence. We went to many museums and Cathedrals, where I wish I could take all my classes in. The dome I am pointing to.. I climbed to the top. It was 463 steps up narrow spiral staircases, but as you can see (the most right photo) the view was worth it.

Another great part about Florence was the food. I had too much gelato and pasta and pizza. When in Italy! During our time off class we walked through markets and shops, where I got some gifts for family and friends. We also explored more of the city that we didn't get to see during our classes.

We were in Siena for a shorter amount of time, but it was still a lot of fun! We went to the Siena Cathedral and saw its amazing exterior and interior. And there is a wall that was supposed to enlarge the cathedral but it remains incomplete. However, you can climb to the top of it and see the city of Siena and the countryside around it. I also found a super cute store I am in love with called Flying Tiger Copenhagen. I got BLUE gelato, it's really just vanilla, but I was excited.

In our classes we saw so much spectacular art, I was in love. One thing that I love the most was the frescos. It amazes me how much detail and how huge they are. So, I made a short video with some of the frescos I have seen. Enjoy!

Once we got back we started our political thought class and got back to Italian. Next week will be our first full week of all of our classes. We also started planning spring break trips, so there is a lot of exciting events ahead!


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